Sping 2022

As I sit and write this the events of the past couple months are fresh on my mind. We have just experienced the awful shooting in Texas, and have seen gun violence in our city increase almost daily. It is hard to watch the news, and hard to understand why there is so much pain, hurt and anger in our world. Part of our mission here at Lighthouse is to bring hope into people's lives. How do we give that hope and encouragement when things seem so dark and scary? How do we relate to those who have experienced violence up close, and are living daily with big struggles? The answer I think is that we listen. We listen to their stories, we listen to their hurt, we listen. We are not here to have all the answers, we are not here to solve all the problems. We are here to be a friend, a safe space, a sanctuary from the chaos that surrounds us. We all need a place to go when life gets overwhelming, and Lighthouse works hard everyday to be that space for those who need it. I hope that by being a safe space to be heard and seen, a space of rest from the pressures of this life, and a space of support and resource we will help each individual who comes here find the hope they are longing for. I encourage you to read the stories in this reports, as they are great examples of the work being done each day in big and small ways to bring hope back into our lives.

With Gratitude Shanna Grigoletti

Mark Van Drunen