Winter Happenings 2021/2022

The winter months can be very long and very lonely for many of us. The days are cold and dark, and the sun doesn't shine very often, and we get the winter blues. This winter felt long and hard for a lot of us. As the snow fell and the pandemic raged, we found ourselves feeling weighed down and heavy with the burdens of this world. Many of us have lost family and friends, many of us have been sick and facing major surgeries, many of us are living in our cars, hotels rooms, or friend's basements, many of us are fighting addiction or watching loved ones fight addiction, many of us are struggling with mental health concerns, and many of us are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet as the price of daily living continues to rise. While things feel dark and heavy Lighthouse is here to shine light and hope into the lives of all who come into our doors. People know that they are welcome here with all their burdens and hurt, all the heaviness they carry through each day. We are a safe space for them to find encouragement, friendship, support and hope to keep fighting for better days, and that is exactly what has been happening! I would like to highlight two different events that brought so much joy into the building this winter. The first one was our Christmas dinner and Festival. This was the first indoor dinner we had since 2020 and people were so excited to come out and enjoy a meal together. The building was full of laughter, and fellowship, and it was a great reminder that there are so many people in our midst who are craving community and a place to belong. The second event was our annual Christmas Bingo. This has quickly become a highlight for those who come to Bingo. We give away gift cards and bigger prizes, and this year we added a potluck to the festivities. It was a fun way to celebrate the season and spread some Christmas joy to our neighborhood. We had 60 people enjoy Christmas Bingo and over 100 families come out to our Christmas dinner and festival. Thank you to all who helped make both activities possible. As we move into the new year my hope is that we continue to be a space where people find true community. Where we all can find resources, support and hope.

With Gratitude Shanna Grigoletti

Mark Van Drunen