It is Spring, and things are coming back to life!!

 Spring always feels like a breath of fresh air after a long winter, and this year that is more true than ever! Everything is coming back to life including the life and activity in the building. Lighthouse has been slowly ramping things back up this spring, in hopes for a full schedule again in the fall. Coffee Spot, Bingo, and Yoga continue to thrive with new faces each week., and the community garden is back up and running.  We have also been using this time to learn about different organizations in the area, what they are doing, and how we can partner with them. We have had several exciting conversations with potential partners, and have seen our name awareness grow throughout the community. Collaborating with more organizations will make it possible to offer more resources and opportunities to our neighbors, and also increase the number of people we reach each week, and help us continue to grow. There are a lot of exciting developments on the horizon, and a lot of work being done in the background to help us increase our structure, fundraising, and impact in the community. Thank you so much for investing in our city!