Summertime is the best time!

This summer seemed to fly by. I spent a lot of my time planning for our big celebration weekend. We partnered with Connections Church and offered a Friday night movie along with our celebration on Saturday. We had a great team of volunteers that made the day possible. It was equally encouraging to see many neighbors we hadn’t seen in a while, new neighbors and faces, and a whole new group of volunteers stepping up and being so excited to serve. It was a successful event, and I truly appreciate everyone who helped make it happen.

This summer we also have noticed an increase of unhoused individuals coming around. The housing crisis is not going away, and our neighborhood is being impacted greatly by this crisis.  It has been humbling to get to know them, learn their stories, and realize that homelessness can happen to almost anyone. I feel strongly that we are set up to be a great resource for those staying on the street, and I hope we can work together with Calvary to find new ways to serve and show love to these individuals. 

As summer comes to an end, I am looking forward to fall and a new season of programming. I thank you all for the work you do behind the scenes to make this the place that it is!

Mark Van Drunen